When nature prepares a woman for nurturing a life within her, it is a period of joy and celebration for the whole
family. But not so for all. There are still a major chunk of the society who dread this due to their economic
status and lack of emotional support.
We at Siva Shantha strive to bring such poor women and their babies into the safe circle of quality
healthcare. Here, the under privileged woman is given the top most care and she delivers her baby in dignity.
The centre was started in 1986 with the mission of improving people’s life through medical services. Free consultation and medication was given to the poor patients in the out-patient clinic. After 24 years of struggle and sacrifice and with the help of kind hearted people, it was upgraded to a maternity centre in 2010.Today Siva Shantha Mother and Child Health Centre has all the facilities to cater to the weaker sections of society.
The hospital has two operation theatres, fully equipped, one of which is a laparoscopic theatre. There is an ultra-Scan facility, a lab and a Pharmacy. The naturopathy wing has treatment rooms with massage tables and chairs, steam bath and also hydro therapy. There is a spacious yoga hall. The canteen serves food to the patients and takes care of the special natural food for naturopathy patients.
We approach the illness of any patient in a comprehensive and holistic way so that we get to the root cause. On many occasions, the reason is related to the mind rather than the body. Our counselling department offers psychological support to our patients complimenting the medical treatment. The combination is showing good results and we have successfully broken the taboo of seeking psychological help.